Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology
Volume 32 - Number 4 October - 1988

Orignial Articles
Short Communication
Letter to Editor

Orignial Articles

Success of Autonomic Operant Conditioning of Heart Rate without Involving Contractions of Somatic Skeletal Muscles : P. N. Bindu and T. Desiraju ...231

Effect of Vatharasavangam on U14C-Glucose Absorption and Utilization in Hyperglycemic Rabbits : E. Padmini, C. E. Meenakshi and D. B. Motlag ...252

Autonomic Responses to Breath Holding and its Variations Following Pranayama : R. Bhargava, M. G. Gogate and J. F. Mascarenhas ...257

Thermal Changes Produced by Norepinephrine Application in the Preoptic Area of Monkeys : H. N. Mallick, V. Mohan Kumar and B. Singh ...265

Acid Phosphatase Activity and Fresh Tissue Weights of Accessory Sex Organs in Adult Male Rats following Pituitary Transplantation : Yogesh Tripatlzi and A. K. Mukhopadhyay...271

Effects of Acute Administration of Nifedipine on Glomerular Filtration Rate and Urinary Excretion of Sodium and Uric Acid in Patients with Mild-Moderate Essential Hypertension : D. Roychowdhwy, A. K. Padhy, S. C. Tiwari, K. Gupta, P G. Gopinath and A. K. Malhotra ...278

Influence of Dopaminergic Recepticonvulsant Acticn of Carbamazepinetor Supersensitivity on An : S.H. Kadlimatti, R. S. Nadig, L. Sl)maja, Thangam .7oseph and .Joy David ...285

Immunopharmacological Studies on Picrorhiza Kurroa Royle-Ex-Benth Part V : Anti-inflammatory Action : Relation with CelI Types Involved in Inflammation : B. L. Pandey and P. K. Das ...289

Comparative Short-Term Evaluation of Penfluridol and Trifluoperazine in Chronic Schizophrenia : A. B. Khorana and rogesh Patel ...293

Hypolipidaemic Effects of Curcuma Longa Land Nardoslachys Jatamansi, DC in Triton-Induced Hyperlipidaemic Rats : V. P. Dixit, Prabha Jail! and S. C. Joshi ...299

Short Communication

Cardiovascular Changes during Graded Exercise : D. Venkatesh, K. P. Putturaya and C. A. Sl'ukantha..305

Letter to Editor

Thrombophlebitis with Diazepam and Ampicillin : M. Subrahmanyam ...310